Family Time is the Best Time

We’re heading into the holiday season, and while some may not look forward to the hustle and bustle of the holidays, many acknowledge that family time has a way of giving us warm, fuzzy feelings. The end of the year can bring about some of the best moments. You may look forward to cooking with your loved ones, exchanging laughs at the dinner table after family meals, or having more intentional moments with your family. With everyone’s schedule being so busy, it can be challenging to set aside time to spend with family. In addition, it can also be easy to forget the importance of family time and impacts it can have on your family unit. In our ever-increasing world of demands, we often add more responsibilities that compete with family time. 

Parents spending time with their children is critical for building strong family ties, making lifelong memories and creating an environment that builds self-esteem and character in children. Family time creates warm memories for parents and children alike. Children with happy family memories are more likely to create a loving environment for their own children when they grow up. 

Family time can consist of several different activities that range from 5 minutes to all day fun. Need some new ideas on how to maximize your family time? Check out some of these ideas that take little to no time to implement. Although the quantity of time may be difficult, it’s the quality of time that matters. 

Here are a few positive benefits to spending quality time with family this holiday season.

Family time encourages healthy relationships- One of the most important reasons that family time is vital for children’s development is the effect it has on their relationships. If you want your children to be able to enjoy healthy connections with others, this is the perfect time to set the example. Try taking short walks, putting up decorations together, or having family meals once a week. Dinner is a perfect opportunity to spend some quality time with your loved ones.

Family time strengthens family bonds– Families who participate in activities together form strong emotional ties. Studies have shown that families who enjoy group activities together share a stronger emotional bond as well as an ability to adapt to difficult family situations. Experience life together. Do things as a family. Go for a hike, bike ride or make a pillow fort in the living room. Kids who participate in activities with their family have a higher sense of belonging and higher self-esteem.

Helps parents and children reconnect– Spending time together as a family helps busy parents to relax and reconnect with their children. Children tend to share more information about their lives while enjoying an activity with the parents rather than when you ask them “What did you do today?” Family activities should be a time where open communication takes place. Congratulate each other on accomplishments and encourage those who had a bad day. 

Parents get to embrace their inner childHoliday celebrations with your family aren’t just about the adult activities, but spending and enjoying quality time with children. Their excitement and joy is infectious, and family holidays are the perfect time to let go and indulge in play time. Your kids will mimic your attitude and behavior. Have fun and focus on the present, which is spending time with your little one. They will remember these moments for a lifetime. 

Take some time this holiday season to enjoy these little moments with your family. Although quality time may look different this year, embrace the time you have. Hug your little ones a little tighter, laugh a little louder, and make the best of your upcoming holiday season.

Additional Resources:

10 Crafty Ways to Spend Quality Time with Your Family

7 Family Bonding Holiday Activities